The ISE welcomes Marion Johnson as Secretary

Dear ISE members, The ISE Board wishes to welcome Dr. Marion Johnson from the University of Otago, New Zealand, as the 2014-2016 ISE secretary. Marion is a research fellow at the Centre for Sustainability (CSAFE) and has been active on the Agricultural Training Board in Lancashire UK as vice president and secretary. She also brings experience with event organization, as she was the lead organiser for the VII Southern Connection Congress (Dunedin...

Peer-to-peer fundraising – a fun way to get involved!

The ISE is using Razoo, a peer-to-peer fundraising tool, to raise money for our programs. Please consider making your own page to help spread the words about the ISE. Your participation helps the ISE not only financially, but also by promoting the ISE’s vision. You can choose to raise funds for core costs, or for an individual program that you would like to support. You can find instructions on how to make your page here. You can see ISE...

Minutes from the 2012 General Assemblies

Dear ISE Members, This is a re-post of the Minutes from the 2012 General Assemblies at the 13th ISE Congress in Montpellier, France. A statement of accuracy of the minutes from the 2012 General Assemblies will be made at the 1st General assembly in Bhutan and a call for a motion to accept the minutes as approved by the elected Board. If you will not be at the Congress in Bhutan, and have any comments, please email them to Natasha at...

Recommended amendments to ISE Constitution

Dear ISE Members, The 2012-2014 ISE Board has thoroughly reviewed the Society's constitution and is recommending that a number of amendments be approved by Members. These changes are available as a word document and pdf, both with track changes on.  The rationale for the recommended amendments is also provided. Each of the changes will be part of the online voting that will be opened the week of 19 May 2014 and will remain open until the day...

Nominees to the ISE Board

We have received the following nominations for the 2014-2016 and 2014-2016 ISE Board term: (i) Vice President (President-Elect; a 2-year term followed by a 2-year term as President):  Verna Miller was nominated by current ISE President Jack Miller. Verna submitted the following when she accepted the nomination: I am Pepeyla (Verna Miller) from the Nlakapamux homelands located in what is known as Canada and the United States. Now a retiree, I...

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