The ISE Ethics Program stewards the ISE Code of Ethics and undertakes policy development and educational outreach to raise awareness about ethics in ethnobiology. Two key components of the Ethics Program are:
- Versions: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, Hungarian, Portuguese
- ISE Code of Ethics online (English)
- History of the ISE Code of Ethics
The program is co-chaired by Kelly Bannister and Gleb Raygorodetsky. Ongoing guidance is contributed by several long term ISE members who have specialized expertise in ethical, legal, policy and educational aspects. Participation in ad hoc working groups is open to all ISE members. Key activities involve facilitating cyclical review and renewal of the Code of Ethics, facilitating development of the online Ethics Toolkit, and strategic outreach in collaboration with the ISE Global Coalition involving education and policy advocacy related to both the Code of Ethics and Toolkit.
During the 2012-2014 term, the Ethics Program completed a comprehensive review of the ISE Code of Ethics and continued the work on the online Ethics Toolkit.
Activities in the 2010-2012 term were summarized in the 2012 Ethics Program Report and included:
• Review of the ISE Code of Ethics as part of an ongoing commitment to review and renewal;
• Second phase development (alpha version) of the online Ethics Toolkit;
• Initial analysis of the ISE Code of Ethics as an aid to implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP);
• Policy advocacy and outreach activities, in conjunction with the Global Coalition; and
• Compilation of a brief history of the Ethics Program from available records as a contribution to the ISE’s institutional review.
Updates on the Ethics Program have been included in three ISE Newsletter issues:
- Volume 1, Issue 1 (January 2009). The Code of Ethics of the ISE – a brief history (page 20)
- Volume 1, Issue 2 (July 2009). The ISE Global Coalition and Ethics Committee (page 5); The ISE Code of Ethics Toolkit (page 6)
- Volume 3, Special Congress Issue (March 2011). ISE Congress Session Reports (page 8 )
Support for the Ethics Program work comes from The Christensen Fund and significant in-kind contributions from the program Co-Chairs as well as from a number of active ISE members.