
16th Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology

XII Brazilian Symposium of Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology

Belém do Pará, Brazil

August 7-10, 2018

The International Society of Ethnobiology is proud to announce that the 16th ISE Congress will be returning to the city of Belém, Brazil for the first time since the original International Congress of Ethnobiology in 1988. The event will consist of a joint symposium with the Brazilian Society for Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology (SBEE) and will be hosted by the Goeldi Museum and the Federal University of Pará. The event will take place from August 7-10 in the city of Belém with an opening ceremony at the historic Theatro da Paz Opera House.

The overall theme of the event will be “Belém+30: Reflecting on the Declaration of Belém across three decades. ” Through a series of invited symposia organized around key themes, the congress aims to assess the lasting impacts that the field of ethnobiology has brought to our understandings and appreciation of traditional knowledge about the environment, while also identifying ongoing challenges to global sociobiodiversity.

The scientific program will be organized around the following themes:

  1. Traditional knowledge associated with biodiversity: legal, ethical and economic considerations
  2. Global changes: local perceptions and actions
  3. Sociobiodiversity and food security and sovereignty
  4. Historical Ecology: human landscape legacies
  5. Traditional medicine, biodiversity and ontology
  6. Biodiversity conservation and management: dialog among different ways of knowing

The event also contemplates a series of cultural activities, pre-congress workshops, a retrospective exhibit at the Goeldi Museum, and the chance to experience Belém’s famous cuisine.

For more details about the venues, scientific and cultural programs, and submission procedures, please follow the link to the Official Conference Website

The ISE and the conference organizers urge you to save the date!

Organizing committee: Flávio Bezerra Barros, Juarez Pezzuti, Daniely Félix-Silva & Glenn Shepard