Update on the ISE 2014 Congress

Dr. Pema Choephyel, Director of Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation, addresses the ISE General Assembly before receiving Darrell Posey’s Toka Toka (walking stick) as Elder representative for the 2014 ISE Congress.

The Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment under the Department of Forests and Park Services (Ministry of Agriculture and Forests), in partnership with the ISE, is pleased to host the 14th ISE Congress in Lamai Gompa, Bumthang, Bhutan.

The Congress will be convened from June 1-7, 2014, with all fieldtrips following the Congress week.

To help focus and guide dialogue and exchanges at the Congress, the broad themes of the Congress –Regenerating biocultural ecosystem resilience and Transmission of traditional knowledge – have been selected for their global significance as well as their importance for local community members.

These over-arching themes will run through all of the sub-themes:

  • Living Well: Environment, Sacred Heritage and Livelihood;
  • Protected Areas, Ecotourism and Community Involvement;
  • Intergenerational Learning/Transmission of Knowledge;
  • Ethnobiology and Ecosystem Services – Broadening the Conversation;
  • Influencing Governance Policies (community-based natural resource management, gender, participation, citizen science…);
  • Ethnobiology in Mountain Communities; and
  • Mindfulness, Ethics and Mental Ecology

The Congress is intended to be highly interactive and participatory and to foster a commitment by participants to building understanding and trust. There will be a wide range of formats for people to share their knowledge, ideas and experiences, ranging from talking circles, to film viewings and discussions, cultural performances, field trips, oral presentations and poster sessions.

The Congress website is now live and the Call for Contributions is open, with all submissions due by June 30, 2013. We anticipate that registration for the Congress will open in August 2013.


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