Side and Post Congress Events

contributed by: Edmond Dounias, Congress Organizer

Side-Congress Meeting: Biocultural Collections 10th Annual Meeting

The 10th Annual Meeting of Biocultural Collections was held at the Botanic Institute of Montpellier on May 24, 2012, and was open to all Ethnobiologists. There was a short introduction to the organization and a review of activities over the last year: both Missouri Botanical Garden and Kew Royal Botanic Gardens have hosted international meetings to establish networks, curation standards and databases for Biocultural Collections. These presentations were followed by discussions of the next steps and priorities. The results will be incorporated into a book, Curating biocultural collections, to be published by Kew Royal Botanic Gardens.

Post-Congress Seminar: Why Do We Value Diversity? A Dialogue on the Definitions, Implications and Uses of Biocultural Diversity

After the ISE Congress ended, the organizers of Congress session S27 proposed to continue the dialogue in a two-day ‘by-invitation-only’ seminar on Saturday– Sunday, May 26-27, the second in a series of three annual seminars at a venue near Montpellier (Hameau de l’Étoile). Finally, there was a forum on Monday, May 28 open to the general public at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris as part of the series “Governing Nature – Knowledge, Cultures and Biodiversity Policies” organized by the Laboratoire d’Éco-anthropologie et Ethnobiologie [Ecoanthropology and Ethnobiology Unit].

Sponsors: Global Diversity Foundation (UK), Laboratoire d’Éco-anthropologie et Ethnobiologie (France) and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (Germany).

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